Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Smoking Cannabis Virtually Doubles the Risk of Developing...

The media are often guilty of presenting studies in a way that leads to misinterpretation by the public. A recent BBC news article reads â€Å"Cannabis use ‘raises psychosis risk’ – Study† and the Daily Mail warns â€Å"Cannabis use ‘doubles risk of psychosis for teenagers†. Such headlines give the impression that there has been a clear causal relationship found between smoking cannabis and the development of mental illnesses (News, 2011; Hope, 2011). Kuepper et al. (2011), the study referred to above, reported that cannabis use is a risk factor for the development of incident psychotic symptoms (short-lasting individual symptoms). They found that cannabis users were almost twice as likely to report incident psychotic symptoms (adjusted odds ratio†¦show more content†¦Due to the lack of experimental control, large participant samples are required in order to look for a connection between cannabis use and psychosis. This further reduces researchers’ ability do large-scale studies looking directly at the effects of cannabis use. It is not economically feasible to diagnose an follow a large cohort of participants using objective clinical measures. This means that the validity of the research is stretched further, as cost effective means of measuring psychoticism and cannabis do not use direct measures. Psychoticism is generally inferred by way of self-reports from individuals on whether they have experienced psychotic symptoms. This might introduce confounds, and further reduces the likelihood that self-reports of incidence psychotic symptoms are truly indicative of cannabis being a causal risk in developing a mental illness. For example, participants may become aware of the purpose of the study and worry about drug-use having an effect, thus start to actively look for and remember such incidences, more so than non-users. Due to ethical, funding and time constraints, it is incredibly difficult for researchers to get a clear picture of the effect cannabis use has on the development of mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. The field of research is marred with problems, there is stillShow MoreRelatedThe Common Serious Mental Health Condition2494 Words   |  10 PagesSchizophrenia What is it? Schizophrenia is one of the most common serious mental health condition. About 1 in 100 people will experience in their lifetime, although many continue to lead normal lives. It is most often diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 35. The exact cause of schizophrenia is unknown, however it is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. As with many other mental health conditions, it is hard to prove someone is suffering from it, and can beRead MoreThe Cannabis Debate Essay examples3978 Words   |  16 PagesThe Cannabis Debate The cannabis debate has never been a straightforward one. At the beginning of the 21st century, perceptions and preconceptions about cannabis and its uses have never been more blurred. Some see cannabis as a menace to society whilst others see it as a useful source of fibre, food and medicine. Doctors and scientists spend millions investigating its medicinal value yet for every positive piece of research, there is a negative. (Brownlee, 2003)

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Pulmonary Function Tests Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

Development of our state has lead to rapid urbanisation and there is addition usage of cars that is worsening environmental pollution. Occupational exposure to automobile fumes and industrial fumes has been shown to impact operation of different systems of the organic structure. The present survey was taken up to measure the Pulmonary Function Tests ( PFT ) in car jinrikisha drivers of Gulbarga metropolis. We will write a custom essay sample on The Pulmonary Function Tests Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Methods: Fifty non -smoker male car drivers in the age group of 20-50 old ages for more than 5 old ages of car driving experience formed the survey group. Age and sex matched persons non exposed to car rickshaw driving [ administrative staff ] formed the control group. Pulmonary map parametric quantities FVC, FEV1, FEV1 % , PEFR, PIFR, FEF25-75, FEF50 and MVV were assessed utilizing computerized Spiro metre during their on the job hours and were statistically analyzed. Consequences: There was a extremely important lessening in FVC and FEV1 in survey group compared to command group. The lessening in FEV1 % , PIFR, FEF25-75 and FEF50 were statistically important but the lessening in PEFR and MVV were statistically non-significant. Decision: Our findings point towards the inauspicious effects of vehicle fumes on lung maps, chiefly on lower air passages with restrictive form of disease. Keywords: Cars, Auto drivers, Pulmonary maps trials. Introduction Numerous epidemiological surveies have documented decreases in pneumonic map and assorted other wellness jobs associated with long term air pollution exposure1.Health effects of occupational exposure to crude oil bluess and air pollution from vehicular beginnings is comparatively undiscovered among car jinrikisha drivers. To run into the present twenty-four hours demand, there is an addition car usage and because of the prevailing function of gasolene [ gasoline ] as a motor vehicle fuel, the effects of gasolene engine emanations are potentially even greater jobs. In the individuals exposed to these pollutants, pneumonic map trials are used as testing trials to find their effects2.Therefore, the present survey is taken up to measure the alterations in Pulmonary Function Tests ( PFTs ) like Forced Vital Capacity ( FVC ) , Forced Expiratory Volume in the first second ( FEV1 ) , FEV1/FVC ratio, Peak Expiratory Flow Rate ( PEFR ) , Peak Inspiratory Flow Rate ( PIFR ) , Forced Expiratory Flow in 25-75 % of critical capacity ( FEF25-75 ) , Forced Expiratory Flow at 50 % of critical capacity ( FEF50 ) and Maximum Voluntary Ventilation ( MVV ) of car jinrikisha drivers in Gulbarga metropolis. Materials A ; Methods: The present survey was conducted in Salgar infirmary of Gulbarga metropolis. Ethical clearance was taken from the Institutional Ethical Committee and each topic gave the consent. The survey group consisted of 50 males in the age group of 20-50 twelvemonth, who were driving car jinrikisha for 8 hours per twenty-four hours for more than 5 old ages in Gulbarga metropolis. The control group consisted of 50 males of same age group from administrative station, who were non exposed to car jinrikisha drive. The topics chosen in the survey and the control group had no history of allergic upsets, respiratory upsets like asthma, or any systemic disease, no history of smoke, masticating baccy and consumption of intoxicant. Age, tallness, and weight were recorded. All the Pulmonary maps were tested during twenty-four hours clip utilizing computerized Spiro metre [ MEDSPIROR ] .The topics were familiarized with the instrument. All the trials were carried out at the same clip of the twenty-four hours, between 10-11 AM. All the topics were in sitting place and have oning nose clips3. The topics were asked to take a breath forcefully following deep inspiration into the mouthpiece attached to the pneumatachometer. 3 trails of maximum Inspiratory and expiratory attempts were made and the best reading was taken for statistical analysis. Statistical method used in our survey was pupil ‘s odd T trial utilizing SPSS-16. The P lt ; 0.05 was considered statistically important and P lt ; 0.001 wa s considered extremely statistically important. Consequences: The average value of the ages of the topics was 36.4AÂ ±7.40 and that the average value of the controls was 34.8AÂ ±3.76. The average value of the highs of the topics was 170.40 AÂ ± 3.39 and the average value of the controls was 174.60 AÂ ± 4.15 and the average value of the weights of the topics was 72.60 AÂ ± 7.56 and that of the controls was 74.40 AÂ ± 8.24. The topics and controls did non differ significantly on above parametric quantities. Table-1: Comparison of lung volumes and capacities between survey and control groups Parameter Study group ( n=50 ) Mean AÂ ±SD Control group ( n=50 ) Mean AÂ ±SD p-value FVC ( L ) 2.77AÂ ±0.41 3.33AÂ ±0.50 0.001** FEV1 ( L ) 2.67AÂ ±0.46 3.11AÂ ±0.33 0.001** FEV1 % 88.25AÂ ±13.34 90.31AÂ ±10.12 0.050* MVV ( L/min ) 110.80AÂ ±18.63 130.16AÂ ±26.89 0.059 *P value lt ; 0.05 is statistically Significant, **P value lt ; 0.001 is extremely statistically Significant Table-2: Comparison of flow rates among survey and control groups Parameter Study group ( n=50 ) Mean AÂ ±SD Control group ( n=50 ) Mean AÂ ±SD P value PEFR ( L/min ) 5.47AÂ ±1.40 7.05AÂ ±1.59 0.15 PIFR ( L/min ) 2.21AÂ ±0.67 3.61AÂ ±1.10 0.04* FEF25-75 ( L/min ) 3.60AÂ ±1.33 4.85AÂ ±1.11 0.04* FEF50 ( L/min ) 4.16AÂ ±1.22 5.17AÂ ±1.32 0.05* *P value lt ; 0.05 indicates statistically Significant value. Discussion: Occupational wellness has been deriving importance for the fact that long term exposure to vehicle fumes, gasoline and dust can take to a lasting morbidity. The acute wellness hazards involved are minimum, provided that the precautional methods are used in conformity with appropriate wellness and safety patterns. Highly statistically important lessening in FVC and FEV1 was observed in car drivers when compared to their controls, and their ratio ( FEV1 % ) was important between the two groups. This determination indicates the restrictive form of pneumonic engagement in the survey group. Auto jinrikisha drivers are at hazard of dust inspiration, gasoline vapour inspiration and besides inspiration of car fumes for a longer period of clip that is at least 8 hours per twenty-four hours for more than one twelvemonth and they have more opportunities of chronic engagement of lungs as indicated by the consequences in the present survey. The benzine content of gasoline has typically been in the scope 1-5 % may be an aggravating factor for the lung map abnormalcies observed as the survey groups were nonsmokers. Smoking as an independent variable was found to impact FEV1 significantly and smoke has shown to speed up the diminution in lung map in a clip dependent manner4. As the car drivers are most of th e clip on busy roads and exposed to automobile fumes and other air pollutants. Automobile fumes is a complex mixture of different gases like Sculpture dioxide ( SO2 ) , Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide ( CO ) , Nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) and particulate affair. Some surveies have demonstrated that exposure to particulate affair combined with exposure to an irritant gas such as NO2 consequences in greater harm to the lung than when exposed to either substances individually5.In combination with particulate pollutants, SO2 and NO2 have a greater opportunity to make the deeper parts of the lungs. The gaseous pollutants may besides change the belongingss and concentration of surfactant and contribute to the early closing of little air passages. Much of the terminal bronchioles may be compromised before other pneumonic map trials such as FEV1 are affected6. Few histopathological surveies have provided grounds that the little air passages are the site of harm in people populating in countries of high air pollution7. Atoms generated from Diesel fumes are highly little and are present in the karyon or accretion manners with diameter of 0.02 am and 0.2 am severally. These little sized atoms, by virtuousness of their greater surface country to mass ratio, can transport a much larger fraction of toxic compounds, such as hydrocarbons and metals on their surface. Importantly they can stay airborne for long periods of clip and acquire deposited in greater Numberss and deeper into the lungs than big sized atoms. Hence chronic exposure to them can take to chronic redness of respiratory piece of land and lung parenchyma. These would lend to the significant lessening in lung maps in the signifier of restrictive form as indicated in the present survey. Rajkumar studied the consequence of air pollution on respiratory system of car jinrikisha drivers i n Delhi. The survey found that ( 19 % ) drivers showed normal Pulmonary Function Test ( PFT ) . ( 80 % ) showed mild and moderate to terrible obstructor, of which ( 48 % ) were non-smokers and ( 52 % ) were tobacco users and the consequence concludes that car jinrikisha drivers have a high respiratory morbidity due to exposure to pollution.8 In a survey, reduced mechanical belongingss of take a breathing were attributed to exposure to benzene in the bluess of petrol9. Bijendra Kumar et Al examined the pneumonic map trial in three Wheeler Diesel cab drivers in Bikaner metropolis. They found restrictive damage in 87 % of survey group, of which 50 % were tobacco users and 37 % were non-smokers, assorted form ( both restrictive and early clogging damage ) was found in merely 13 % of survey group, of which 7 % were tobacco users and 5 % non-smoker. So they concluded that when all the five parametric quantities ( FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEF 25-75 % and PEFR ) were taken together they were de clarative of assorted form ( clogging and restrictive ) lung impairments10. Chattopadhyay et al conducted a survey on garage workers, drivers and music directors of Kolkata metropolis to measure the pneumonic map position of these workers and found that FEV1, FEV1 % and flow rates, FEF 02-121, FEF25 % -75 % values showed gradual decrease as age and continuance of exposure increased11.From the present survey it was concluded that respiratory maps of car jinrikisha drivers who are continuously exposed to emanations from vehicles, gasoline vapour and dust were significantly reduced as compared to respiratory maps of age, weight and tallness matched control groups. Recommendation: To forestall the respiratory disfunction among car drivers, medical observation and periodic check-ups for pneumonic map trials should be performed. Control schemes should be adopted to cut down the vapour concentration in the air, like vapour adsorbents and to cut down the benzine concentration in the ambient air. Personal protective equipment must be worn by car jinrikisha drivers. Imparting wellness instruction to car jinrikisha drivers will forestall respiratory morbidity. Further long term position surveies on car jinrikisha drivers will assist in acquiring a comprehensive image of long term effects. Recognition: This research paper is made possible by the support from the participants of our survey. We dedicate our recognition of gratitude towards Mr.Shaik.Meera and Dr. Rashmi.C.G as they kindly read our paper and offered valuable elaborate advices on grammar, organisation, and subject of the paper. Finally, we unfeignedly thank Godhead, household and friends, who provided fiscal support and timely advice. How to cite The Pulmonary Function Tests Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Hiding Edith Book Essay free essay sample

Hiding Edith a True Story by Kathy Kacer Elise Peterson I usually am reading a book that gushes over love or a creepy mystery novel, but this time I thought I would switch it up. I have always been really interested in World War two and the holocaust and thats why I picked up the book Hiding Edith, a true story by Kathy Kacer. I cant even come to image the fear that was planted in these childrens heads and would scar them for the rest of their life. In 1933, the Nazi party, led by Adolf Hitler, came to power in Germany. Hitler was a cruel man who believed that Germans were superior to all over races, but especially Jews. I wont go into a huge detail about the Holocaust because Im sure youve taken the class History! But anyways, the main character, Edith Schwalb was Jewish and was alive when Hitler slowly began to take over. We will write a custom essay sample on Hiding Edith Book Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Edith is a young Jewish girl living with her Papa, Mutti, sister (Threse), and brother (Gaston) in the city of Vienna. Ediths family is very close. Her Papa is a known soccer player and Edith and her sister both attend school while Mutti and her brother stay at home. Unfortunately, Vienna was slowly being taken over. One night, Nazi soldiers came to the Schwalb household and took away Papa. The girls soon stopped attending school and ran away to another city. Mutti soon realized that the children were no longer safe snow that Concentration camps were being established. The talk of the town among the Jews was that the town of Moissac had a â€Å"Boarding School† where Jewish families could take their kids for protection from the Nazis. The town of Moissac is actually a town of all Germans. All the Germans know about the secret house and keep it a secret. The house is run by Shatta and Bouli Simon who are very kind. At the house, they are properly fed, taken care of, attend school, and go to church. Shatta and Bouli pretty much become the parents of all of the children living at the house. The reason why the house is so safe is since the whole town is German, the Nazis will contact the Mayor before they come and search for Jews so it gives the children time to hide. So Mutti decides to drop Edith and Gaston off at the house. When they arrive Edith is 7 and Gaston is toddler. Threse and Mutti run off to another town to live in a farm house. Edith and Gaston come to love living in the house. Edith becomes good friends with a girl named Sarah. Over the years together Edith and Sarah practically become sisters. Every now and again Mutti will visit Edith and Gaston. After years of living there, Shatta and Bouli announce that they have to shut down the house. They both agree that the war will soon end since the Americans have joined the war. They send the kids to different secret homes to live. Sarah and Edith are moved to a German Boarding school. This is kind of dangerous since no one there knows they are Jewish. They have to change their names. There at the boarding school, they are treated badly and rarely eat. They both end up getting lice and having to dig food out of the garbage. Again, Edith and Sarah are moved to another place. This time, a real home. They move to the house of the Merleaus who treat Edith and Sarah kindly. She only stays there for a short while because the war ends! Edith is soon reunited with her brother, sister, and mother. They find out that there father was killed in a concentration camp. The family lives together and they all get jobs. Edith realizes that she wants to make a difference. Her and Gaston end up going back to Moissac. They volunteer to be consolers for the orphaned Jewish children. I literally recommend this book to anyone! Its a quick read and it really makes you see through the eyes of a child during World War Two. It makes you realize how lucky we are, here in America and not to take things for granted because they can be taken away any moment.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Of Idiocy and Wisdom free essay sample

A discussion on Platos philosophical theory of wisdom. This paper discusses Platos philosophical theory of wisdom and its distinction from ignorance. The author bases his analysis on dialogues from the trial of Socrates and Platos Meno. Thus the madness is done and the tea party over. What is most important to recognize here is the paradox of goals. We are to seek wisdom so that we might live the good life yet wisdom we will never have so long as we live. So we are to seek ignorance, so that we will recognize our inherent and inescapable lack of wisdom, and in so doing become wise by remembering the forgotten truths that lie beyond our training. One is very much reminded of the old saying, that to keep ones life, it is often necessary to lose it. In liberating ourselves from what we think we have learned and realizing that we know nothing, we have the chance of remembering what we knew before we were born, though never to the degree that we did then until at last we die. We will write a custom essay sample on Of Idiocy and Wisdom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page